End to end privacy starts with acoustics and ends with verifiably secure communication infrastructure.
The Cerami Government team has worked with a diverse list of government and institutional clients, each with specific and sometimes unique requirements. These teams include clients in the Federal Court System, the US Capitol, military facilities, and many of the Government agencies that are critical to the day-to-day workings of our Federal and Local Governments. With that comes an acutely familiar with GSA building standards including privacy and mechanical system acoustics.
Cerami has earned an exceptional reputation for designing creative, functional, and effective acoustical and technology solutions that meet the complex requirements of the 21st Century Courthouse. Recent examples are four of the country’s newest Federal Courthouses in Boston, New York, White Plains, and Minneapolis. Ranging in size from 150,000 to nearly 800,000 square feet, these facilities are state of the art. In 1994, Cerami was consulted by the U.S. Courts Design to revise the acoustical criteria specified within the U.S. Courts Design Guide, the bible of courthouse design.
Acoustical Privacy/Isolation
Acoustical Modeling
IT Infrastructure
Wi-Fi Heat Mapping
Distributed Antenna Systems
Electronic Security Design
Audiovisual Systems Design