We’re behind many of the world’s most famous cultural institutions – giving voice to museums, setting the stage for performance centers, and creating new library standards (no longer all about the hush).
We do not rigidly adhere to a set of design solutions – each project is approached independently with uniquely designed solutions.
As a result, there is no pre-defined “Cerami Style”. Many other acoustical and technology consultants have developed a “brand” of cultural space which they impose on the design team, based on past successes. A cultural center is a unique expression of the community it serves, and the space which serves the community should not be a mere transplant of a successful room found in another community. We are deeply committed to the process of creating a unique environment for each community.
Museum Experience
Over the past five and a half decades, we have been proud to provide consulting services for some of the country’s most prestigious cultural centers, including the MoMA, Philadelphia Museum of Art, The MET, The Smithsonian, The Whitney, the National Children’s Museum, and the National Archives. We have also had the honor to work on the last five presidential libraries. Whether you’re looking for an interactive experience or tranquil observation, we’re here to make it happen.
Performing Arts Center
A performance center is far more than simply an auditory experience. The design of a performing arts center is a collaborative effort between the architect and acoustician. The role of the acoustician is to guide the design architect through a process which will result in a hall that is an extraordinary visual and spatial experience, and also provides a dynamic yet intimate acoustic response to performances within the hall.
Cerami holds that acoustical design should remain transparent in the finished room – surfaces which strategically reflect sound, clusters of speakers, and so on should be seamlessly integrated into the aesthetic desired by the architect. We are equally comfortable working on designs with “exposed infrastructure” (hanging reflectors, moving canopies, and so on) or with designs which are to remain visually very “clean” (strategic shapes and finishes are not immediately obvious to the eye).
Enhanced Wireless Environments
Patron Management Solutions
Public Address Systems
Architectural and Mechanical Acoustics
Acoustical Computer Modeling
Wireless Performance Modeling
Critical Security Systems
Alvin Ailey
George W. Bush Presidential Library
Gilcrease Museum
Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
Museum of Contemporary Art
Museum of Fine Arts
National Children’s Museum
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Smithsonian Museum
Sugar Hill Museum of Art and Story
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute
Von King Cultural Arts Center
Whitney Museum of American Art