Cerami assesses, monitors, and mitigates vibration in buildings, structures and construction sites.
While there are other firms in the vibration field, it’s Cerami that provides the expert insight into monitoring protocol that is right for the situation, smartly analyzes the collected data, and provides design solutions that work. That’s the Cerami difference. Because what good is knowing that you have vibration levels that exceed your criteria, if you don’t identify methods for vibration mitigation?
Cerami’s vibration monitoring project experience includes research facilities, hospitals, transportation hubs, high-rise office buildings, hotels, museums, retail, residential buildings and private homes.
Vibration Feasibility Studies
Often in the pre-design stage, we are brought in to help architects and builders determine if a proposed site meets the right criteria.
Should we build over an active railway and if so, what are the high-level implications to the design and cost?”
Structural Vibration Recommendations
Cerami consults in the pre-building stage and recommends design solutions.
How thick should the steel be to reduce vibration?” “What are the ramifications if we use heavy timber construction?”
Environmental Vibration Analysis
Cerami measures vibration of external sources and advises on how to temporarily (construction sites) or permanently (traffic noise/rail lines) affect ground-borne vibration levels.
Can I build adjacent to the subway without it affecting my research?”
Building Vibration Consulting
Limiting the impact of vibration-generating spaces is critical to the success of the overall design. And who better than Cerami, a leader in acoustic design for six decades, to also be advising on vibration.
Sound=Vibration. Vibration=Sound. To us, it’s one big noisy family, ready to be quieted down.”
We are experts in achieving the high levels of vibration control typically required in Healthcare and Life Science facilities and have applied these solutions to both the building structure, surrounding vibration sources, and/or the vibration-sensitive equipment itself.
Unwanted or unexpected vibration can skew diagnostic results from an MRI, or cause an experiment in a vivarium to be invalidated. That’s why Vibration control is critical and the earlier analysis is conducted, the fewer surprises later.
We always look first to the nearby sources of vibration. Rail traffic? Footfall? Mechanical equipment? Environmental? Sometimes it is all of the above. With sensitive equipment and experiments, both steady-state and transient vibration can be detrimental. We visit the site to identify any adverse noise and vibration in the existing environment, track it down and explore alternative engineering methods for mitigation, if feasible.
Our Vibration monitoring uses state-of-the-art equipment to detect and record ground movements caused by construction, demolition, transportation, other vibration sources. We review the data we collect to determine the impact construction may have on surrounding structures and communities, and can provide design solutions to mitigate vibration issues or, better yet, get ahead of vibration related issues before they arise.
Whether it is the disturbing sounds of buzzing AC units outside a window or on the roof overhead, or the rumbling noise of an elevator, vibrations may be a factor in these, and other disturbances experienced by tenants who increasingly demand peaceful environments. Therefore, having expert assessments of such vibration is essential toward preventing or resolving such complaints.
The more amenities a building offers, a greater potential exists for adverse impacts on individual apartments from uses such as gyms, game rooms, and common roof terraces. Our experienced engineers are able to go onsite to quickly evaluate the vibration and noise from the associated activities and provide pragmatic solutions on possible methods of mitigation.
New York City
1001 Avenue of the Americas
4th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 212.370.1776
[email protected]
New York City
200 West 41st Street
Suite 1100
New York, NY 10036
Phone: 212.315.6400
Washington, D.C.
1401 K Street, NW
Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: 202.448.9975
2000 Market Street
Suite 770
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 215.310.9766
231 S. LaSalle Street
Suite 2100
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Phone: 312.724.8776
1000 Brickell Avenue
Suite 1100
Miami, FL 33131
Phone: 305.771.0211
414 Union Street
Suite 1900
Nashville, TN 37219
Phone: 629.230.7925
Los Angeles
3415 S Sepulveda Blvd
Suite 1131
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Phone: 949.991.1706
Toronto, Canada
30 Wertheim Court
Unit 25
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1B9
Phone: 905.764.5223
Affiliate Offices
Dublin Office
The Tecpro Building
Clonshaugh Business & Technology Park
Dublin 17
Queensland – Brisbane Office
43 Peel Street, Level 3
South Brisbane, Queensland
QLD 4101